socialBox creates a special box dedicated for social content.
userBlock goes in the title of socialBox.
boxComment has to be inserted in the comment slot of socialBox.
title = NULL,
footer = NULL,
width = 6,
height = NULL,
collapsible = TRUE,
collapsed = FALSE,
closable = FALSE,
boxToolSize = "sm",
headerBorder = TRUE,
label = NULL,
dropdownMenu = NULL,
sidebar = NULL,
id = NULL
userBlock(image, title, subtitle = NULL, href = "javascript:void(0)")
boxComment(..., image, title = NULL, date = NULL)
comment content.
comment title.
Optional footer text.
The width of the box, using the Bootstrap grid system. This is
used for row-based layouts. The overall width of a region is 12, so the
default valueBox width of 4 occupies 1/3 of that width. For column-based
layouts, use NULL
for the width; the width is set by the column that
contains the box.
The height of a box, in pixels or other CSS unit. By default the height scales automatically with the content.
If TRUE, display a button in the upper right that allows the user to collapse the box.
If TRUE, start collapsed. This must be used with
If TRUE, display a button in the upper right that allows the user to close the box.
Size of the toolbox: choose among "xs", "sm", "md", "lg".
Whether to display a border between the header and body. TRUE by default.
Slot for boxLabel.
List of items in the boxtool dropdown menu. Use boxDropdown.
Slot for boxSidebar.
If passed, the item will behave like an action button.
author image, if any.
Any subtitle.
Target url or page.
date of publication.
if (interactive()) {
ui = dashboardPage(
title = userBlock(
image = "",
title = "Social Box",
subtitle = "example-01.05.2018"
"Some text here!",
image = "",
title = "Test",
href = "",
"This is the content"
lapply(X = 1:10, FUN = function(i) {
image = "",
title = paste("Comment", i),
date = "01.05.2018",
paste0("The ", i, "-th comment")
footer = "The footer here!"
controlbar = dashboardControlbar(),
title = "socialBox"
server = function(input, output) { }