flipBox creates a box that flips from back to front and inversely
updateFlipBox programmatically toggles a flipBox from the server.
flipBox(id, front, back, trigger = c("click", "hover"), width = 6) updateFlipBox(id, session = shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain())
id | flipBox id. |
front | ui for the front of the flip box |
back | ui for the back of the flip box |
trigger | How to trigger rotate effect. Either click or hover. Default to click. |
width | flipbox width. Between 1 and 12. |
session | Shiny session object. |
To access the state of the flipbox use the input alias input$<id>
For example, if your flipBox's id is myawesomeflipbox, you can access its state via
where TRUE corresponds to the front, FALSE to the back.
if (interactive()) { library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) library(shinydashboardPlus) shinyApp( ui = dashboardPage( dashboardHeader(), dashboardSidebar(), dashboardBody( fluidRow( column( width = 6, uiOutput("active_side"), flipBox( id = "myflipbox", trigger = "hover", width = 12, front = div( class = "text-center", h1("Flip on hover"), img( src = "https://image.flaticon.com/icons/svg/149/149076.svg", height = "300px", width = "100%" ) ), back = div( class = "text-center", height = "300px", width = "100%", h1("Flip on hover"), p("More information....") ) ) ), column( width = 6, uiOutput("active_side_2"), flipBox( id = "myflipbox2", width = 12, front = div( class = "text-center", h1("Flip on click"), img( src = "https://image.flaticon.com/icons/svg/149/149076.svg", height = "300px", width = "100%" ) ), back = div( class = "text-center", height = "300px", width = "100%", h1("Flip on click"), p("More information....") ) ) ) ) ) ), server = function(input, output, session) { output$active_side <- renderUI({ side <- if (input$myflipbox) "front" else "back" dashboardBadge(side, color = "blue") }) output$active_side_2<- renderUI({ side <- if (input$myflipbox2) "front" else "back" dashboardBadge(side, color = "blue") }) } ) } if (interactive()) { library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) library(shinydashboardPlus) shinyApp( ui = dashboardPage( dashboardHeader(), dashboardSidebar(), dashboardBody( actionButton("toggle", "Toggle flip box"), uiOutput("active_side"), flipBox( id = "myflipbox", front = div( class = "text-center", img( src = "https://image.flaticon.com/icons/svg/149/149076.svg", height = "300px", width = "100%" ) ), back = div( class = "text-center", height = "300px", width = "100%", h1("Details...."), p("More information....") ) ) ) ), server = function(input, output, session) { output$active_side <- renderUI({ side <- if (input$myflipbox) "front" else "back" dashboardBadge(side, color = "blue") }) observeEvent(input$toggle, { updateFlipBox("myflipbox") }) } ) }